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Jig performance is influenced by water pulsation causing fluidization of feed particles in the separation chamber.The authors studied monitoring of the fluidization with pressure and level sensors in column tests and jig separation experiments using two plastics (PVC and PE).The minimum fluidization flow velocity in the column tests was determined from the pressure loss vs. apparent flow velocity diagram. In the jig experiments, the expansion of particle bed in the separation chamber was monitored, and the minimum displacement for particle fluidization was determined from the pressure loss vs. displacement diagram. The velocity of rising water in the jig at the minimum displacement was slightly larger than the minimum fluidization flow velocity. Good separation results were obtained at displacements near the minimum displacement inducing fluidization of the particles.A method to determine the optimum water pulsation parameter was developed, here the jig experiments were conducted with increasing displacement in a step-by-step manner at different frequencies of water pulsation, and the minimum displacement for the fluidization can be established from the measured pressure and water level data.Jig separation of a fine coal – quartz mixture demonstrated the applicability of the developed method.
- 社団法人 資源・素材学会の論文
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