Lithography Process Simulations using OCTA -Application to Development and DSA
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In 2002, the simulation software system for high functional polymeric material OCTA is released. OCTA is the general purpose simulator and each multi-scale-level simulation can be easily done. Recently, we have applied our OCTA system to the problems of lithography. In this paper we discuss the applicability of OCTA system to the simulations for lithography. Two kinds of applicability are discussed. One is the development and the rinse process simulations, and another is the directed self assembly simulation. In the former study, LER can be discussed using OCTA simulation. In the latter study, many kinds of coarse-grained models can be applicable for the DSA simulation using OCTA. These wide applicability are discussed in this paper.
- The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology (SPST)の論文
Morita Hiroshi
Nanosimulation Research Group Nanotechnology Research Institute National Institute Of Advanced Indus
Morita Hiroshi
Nanosystem Research Inst., National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
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- Lithography Process Simulations using OCTA -Application to Development and DSA