Simplified Stereotactic Aspiration of Intracerebral Hematoma Under Fluoroscopic Guidance
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CT-guided stereotactic aspiration of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage is now widely used in neurosurgery. However, this method is complicated and takes a long time, so we have developed a simplified stereotactic aspiration of intracerebral hematoma using fluoroscope. 1. After CT is performed, the margin of hematoma is transcribed to the scout view, and the point X that should be the tip of the drainage catheter is decided. 2. In the operation room, the patient's head is fixed perpendicularly to the floor and parallel to the fluoroscope. 3. A burr hole is made and a ventricular puncture needle is punctured to the point X parallel to the sagittal section of the head using a fluoroscope. 4. We trace the needle line on the display using an aquatic felt pen, then remove the needle and insert the drainage catheter with stylet along the line to the point X, and fix it. We have operated on 12 cases of putaminal hemorrhage by this method. We successfully reduced the average distance of the gaps between the tip of the catheter and the ideal point to 5mm, and the time required of the operation to less than half that in with CT-guided stereotactic aspiration of hematoma.
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- Simplified Stereotactic Aspiration of Intracerebral Hematoma Under Fluoroscopic Guidance
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