A Lectin-Histochemical Study on the Seminiferous Epithelium of the Northern Smooth-Tailed Tree Shrew <I>(Dendrogale murina)</I>and the Java Tree Shrew <I>(Tupaia javanica)</I>
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Lectin-binding patterns in the testes of the northern smooth-tailed tree shrew, <I>Dendrogale murina</I> and Java tree shrew, <I>Tupaia javanica</I> were studied by light microscopy and compared the data with those of the common tree shrew. Four lectins (PNA, SBA, BPA and GS-II) were used in this study. Peanut <I>(Arachis hypogaea)</I> agglutinin (PNA), soybean <I>(Glycine max)</I> agglutinin (SBA) and <I>Bauhinia purpurea</I> agglutinin (BPA) showed a strong reaction in the acrosomal region from Golgi to acrosome-phase spermatids in three species of tree shrews. These lectins also showed a granular positive reaction in the cytoplasm from acrosome to maturation-phase spermatids in three species, except that BPA revealed no granular reaction (though it was positive) in the spermatid cytoplasm of the northern smooth-tailed tree shrew and that PNA revealed no reacion in the spermatid cytoplasm of the common tree shrew. While, <I>Griffonia simplicifolia</I>-II agglutinin (GS-II) showed a positive reaction in the acrosomal region of Golgi-phase spermatids in three species of tree shrews. Although GS-II was positive in the spermatocyte cytoplasm of three species, it showed granular in the northern smooth-tailed tree shrew and common tree shrew but not granular in the Java tree shrew. Thus, the lectin-binding patterns in testes were similar among three species belonging to the Order Scandentia. However, slight differences were also detected even among these phylogenetically-close species.
- Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonicaの論文
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica | 論文
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