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The present paper has demonstrated whether there was certain difference or not in the development of the function of so-called spacial orientation between normal and totally blind children, as it is thought, in author's opinion, to be not a central organ to perceive sensory stimuli, but a functional rneclanism to receive stimuli.<BR>On the other hand, in order to analyse the deve lopment of EEG basic rhythms, electroencephalographical survey was held to those children from a view point o f neurophysiological development. For this purp ose, the author applied a series of tests composed of the body naming test, calculation test, finger naming test, right-left discrimination test, Kinsbourine and Warrington's test, Delage modified test, five point test, topographical and spacial orientation test and others.<BR>The res u lts were as follows:<BR>1) There was no significant difference of influences between visual and tactile perception upon this function in both groups.<BR>2) It was found that various plysiological factors played an important role in this function.<BR>3) While this function was integrated and matured with aging, certain personal functions were to be added at any stage and made rapid or sudden progress from 4 to 8 age.<BR>4) This function was not only the central function which received many stimuli from peripheral portions, but also the dynamic function which lead to the conception " not the perception without the behavior"<BR>5) It was interesting to have observed increase with age of occipital a rhythms in normal children on one hand and of parietal a rhythms in totally blind children on the o ther.<BR>6) It was suggested that the develpment of EEG basic rhythms had relation to the sensori-motor factor including the function of so-called spacial orientation.
- 関西医科大学医学会の論文
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