- 論文の詳細を見る
As the first step of educational psychological study of "teaching vocation" as a subject matter of secondary school, three fundamental skills of woodworks such as sawing, planeing and hole-making by chisel were selected.<BR>Subjects: Subjects were 61 boys of 8th grade randomly selected from different three secondary. schools. Each represented districts of, industry, commerce and residence, and agriculture. To avoid measuring errors, the same instructions manual was used.<BR>The details of wood-works: (1) Sawing: to make one-inch cubes as many as possible out of a long bar which section is one inch square for 15 minutes.(2) Planeing: to make a plane board of 2.8×8×0.4inches for 60 minutes.(3) Hole-making by chisel: to make a 0.5 inch square holes as many as possible on a plane board for 40 minutes.<BR>Scales for evaluation: to. quantity qualities of each product of children, different 2-point-scales for evaluation (passed or failed) were made. The full score on each scales were 7 points for sawing, 22 for planeing and 21 for hole-making by chisel.<BR>The correlations: The following 5 kinds of scores were correlated.<BR>(1) quality of sawing (mean of scores)<BR>(2) quantity of sawing (number of products)<BR>(3) planeing (scores)<BR>(4) quality of hole-making (mean of scores)<BR>(5) quantity of hole-making (number of products)<BR>Scores of two aptitude tests, mechanical aptitude test, and vocational aptitude test made by a ministry of labour were also correlated. It resulted that there was no correlation among the scores except one between quantity of hole-making, both of which contain the same factor of speed.
- The Japanese Association of Educational Psychologyの論文
The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology | 論文
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