- 論文の詳細を見る
In research on teaching, the double blind method is impossible to use (1)(2)(8), but there are several methods to reduce bias. The conclusions from the experiments using those methods will be reliable, provided that there exist other independent data which are consistent with them.<BR>There are three levels of experimental research of teaching; the research patterned after experimental psycology, the research of teaching under experimental control and the field research of teaching. A conclsion of an experiment in any branch may be regarded as an independent datum in other branches.<BR>In the research of teaching under experimental control, the method which is usually satisfactory for reducing the bias may be the combination of "use of two teaching materials and two groups of subjects with different previous experience" and a "ating scale method with more than three independent observers rating the elements of teaching" being accompanied, if possible, by the "cross-core method in which teacher A who has been using method X and teacher B who as been using method Y are asked to use both method X and method Y". In the field research of teaching, the methods of reducing bias are "comparison between the lessons given by the excellent teachers from each sect of teaching schools," "comparison between the prominent lessons and avarage lessons in the same sect of teaching schools", and other analogous method accompanied with "rating-scale method"<BR>In the field research of teaching, all or part of the abilities measured in the evaluation should be as equivalent as possible to all the principal objects of the teaching methods which are the concerns of the study.<BR>The methods in the studies other than the typical studies which belong to the branches concerns of three above mentioned and the two way of the treatment of the omission in the investigation are discussed.
- The Japanese Association of Educational Psychologyの論文
The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology | 論文
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