A Multi-Scale Approach to Modeling of Particle Assemblies in Materials
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The design of products based on particulate structures and processing thereof are complex topics with roots in various chemical and physical phenomena, and these phenomena typically span several lengthscales. Multi-scale modeling can be a useful approach to investigating these phenomena across a range of scales. For example, a traditional engineering approach to bulk powder processing may use the bulk-scale correlations. On the other hand, a more detailed approach might consider an analysis of individual particles on a micro-scale. This paper describes the distributed properties of micro-scale particle assemblies using statistical analyses of meso-scale simulations and their application to materials science. The simulations provide a microstructural description of particulate, porous or dense virtual mixtures. The meso-scale approach enables the examination of large numbers of particles (order 108) over a distribution of assemblies. In turn, this enables the practical investigation of particulate systems with broad size distributions and multi-component mixtures with significant differences in size. It is projected that the meso-scale simulation results can be used to develop distributed models for product functionality by linking the micro-scale particle characteristics with distributed structural and/or compositional features on a larger scale. This may be especially useful for materials where product performance can be designed on the basis of the tails of structural distributions rather than the average values.
- 公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会の論文
公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会 | 論文
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