The Outline of Japanese Well and Hydrology Database and its Handling Software"Weliking Dictionary"
- 論文の詳細を見る
Informations for well and hydrology in Japan are collected and constructed a database by Hydrogeology Section at Geological Survey of Japan. The database have following data;<BR>1) Geographical data (owner, address, longitude, latitude etc. )<BR>2) Groundwater data (water temperature, water quality etc. )<BR>3) Well data (screen depth, diameter, pumping ratio etc. )<BR>4) Geological data (geology and its depth etc. )<BR>This report opened the format of the database, and the two bite code used for Japanese characters will be useful for all languages, so that our database will be able to correspond to the demand of making database from anywhere of the world. Weliking Dictionary which is a original developed handling software for the database, is reported, simultaneously. This software works on PC, and see mapping of wells, detail data of each well, and log data.
- Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrologyの論文
Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology | 論文
- A Method for Increasing Natural Recharge of Confined Groundwater
- Water Quality of Artesian Groundwater in Senshu Area, South of Osaka:with Special Refence to the Relationship between Water Quality and Land Subsidence
- タイトル無し
- The Observation System of the Ground Water for Earthquake Prediction in the Eastern Part of the Tokai District
- Development of Groundwater Resources in Ethiopia