Influence of Backrest Structure for Sitting Comfort of Meeting Chairs
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We investigated how a backrest structure influenced a sitting comfort of meeting chair. Sensory values of sitting comfort were measured by the paired comparison method. Subjects were a consumer group and an expert group who worked at an office furniture company. Body pressures and contact areas between the human body and the chairs were measured. The results of sensory evaluation were examined by the factor analysis. The results were as follows: (1) Sitting comfort evaluated by consumers had a positive correlation with that by expert. (2) Two factors "soft at back" and "not tiring" were common and significant in evaluating sitting comfort of meeting chair in both group. (3) The adjectives related to "sitting comfort" had relationship with the body pressure distribution and the bending properties of backrest. (4) "Sitting comfort" of meeting chair could be predicted by the physical properties.
- 日本感性工学会の論文
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