Study on the Radiographic, Histological and Histochemical Changes of the Cartilage in Costo-chondral Junction of Rat-rib Fed the Diets with Different Strontium and Calcium Contents in Diet
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The radiographic, histological and histochemical changes of the cartilage in costochondral junction (CCJ) of rat-rib given strontium carbonate. Radiographically, the width of CCJ was similar in control and low-Ca groups, remarkably increased in Sr group and decreased in Sr-Ca groups. The degree of radiolucency of shaft in low-Ca group was higher than that in control group and that in Sr group was higher than that in control group and was lower than that in low-Ca group, and that in Sr-Ca group was lower than that in Sr group. Histologically, it was characteristic that the shape of CCJ was triangle in control group, and was roundish in low-Ca and Sr groups. In Sr group, width of CCJ, particularly the zone of hypertrophic cartilage remarkably increased, and a great deal of osteoid tissue, and connective tissue of wedge-like shape was seen. In Sr-Ca group, the shape of shaft showed a crab-like shape. The histological changes seemed to restore, compared with that in Sr group. Histochemically, in control group, trabecular bone, compact bone and costal cartilage were stained, but CCJ except the zone of calcified cartilage was hardly stained. In low-Ca group, costal cartilage was stained, and CCJ was slightly stained. In Sr group, CCJ was remarkably stained and costal cartilage was also stained. In Sr-Ca group, the degree of staining lessened, compared with that of Sr group. In PAS reaction, the similar reaction in CCJ, trabecular bone, compact bone and costal cartilage was shown in control and low-Ca groups. In Sr group particularly the area juxtametaphysis was strongly stained. Costal cartilage was stained. In Sr-Ca group, the degree of staining lessened, compared with that in Sr group. In Van Gieson stain, CCJ and costal cartilage was hardly stained in all groups. The degree of staining in trabecular bone and compact bone in low-Ca group was weaker than that in control group. In Sr group, the connective tissue of wedge-like shape and osteoid tissue were strongly stained. In Sr-Ca group, many trabecular bones were stained. From these facts, in the rat-rib given SrCO<SUB>3</SUB>, it was suggested that endochondral ossification was disturbed and the metabolism of acidic and neutral glycosaminoglycans were inhibited, and addition of calcium to Sr diet reduced the degree of disease of Sr rickets.
- 昭和大学・昭和歯学会の論文
昭和大学・昭和歯学会 | 論文
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