自主シンポジウム I: 幼児の言語について
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This symposiumw as taken to discuss on the relativity and universalityi n language, contrastingt he studieso flanguaged evelopmenwt ith N.A. Chomsky'sg enerativeg rammor and J. Piaget's cognitivep sychology.<BR>A. Komurap resented " On the developmenot f grammari n two-words entencesp eriod" a child T., she found as follows: (1) The particles (Joshi) were used from 19th month to 21th month concentratically.(2) Most fundamental cases were subjective case and bjective case.and refered to the syntacticc ase relation of 1 year-oldc hild. Analyzingu tterance data on a child T., she found as follows: (1) The particles (Joshi) were used from 19th month to 21th month concentratically.(2) Most fundamental cases were subjective case and objective case.(3) The acquisition of each case was closely related with usage of verbs. Then, she recommended that semantics was essential to syntactic approach.<BR>T. Watamaki presented "On the development of syntax in the earlier twoword sentence period." Analyzing utterance data on a child F., he found as follows: (1) Most of utterance ere "subject+predicative verb","object + predicative verb".(2) The child has gotten the fundamental rule of word order which sentence was used to accompany a verb in sentence-end in Japanese. Then, he refered that it was difficult to applicate the pivot-open structure theory to acquisition of Japanese.<BR>J. Iwata reviewed the modern vocabulary studies on "The relation of word-understanding and cognition". He commented as follows: (1) The traditional quantitative approach has changed to the qualitative one under the influence of cognitive psychology (J. Piaget etc.).(2) Main topics were on the relation of egocentric cognition and language acquisition (C. Chomsky), the meaning conservation (H. Sinclair), the differentiation of dimensiones in object,(M. P. Maratsos), and the differentiation of spatial & temporal relation (E.V. Clark).(3) What extent to the cognitive structure we can catch depends on the depth of the vocabulary understanding test.<BR>I. Takahashi presented the result of six year's follow up study since the birth of his son, on "The linguistic approach for vocabulary acquisition". According to his result, his son acquired above 9000 words before full six years old. These were rich in number far beyond ones of any other past studies. And he concluded that one of the main factor to make vocabulary richer was the longer recording times. He expended 10 hours every day in recording his son's speech.<BR>After questions and answers on the basis of these presentations, K. Amano commented on (1) the identification of word unit in Japanese,(2) the relativity between meaning and form,(3) the pivot-open structure theory, the relation between language and cognition. Then he recommened the importance of "Lexico-grammatical aspect" to language development study.
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