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This paper reports on the cooling of molding sand by vibrating fluidized bed. There have been very little studies on this theme. The experiment has been done using the unsteady state cooling method which cools the heated dry sand or heated wet sand in a fluidized bed in a 105mm transparent pipe vibrated by electromagnetic vibrator. The tested frequency and displacement amplitude range was 6∼30Hz and 0∼4mm (half amplitude), respectively. The temperature of the fluidized bed and the exhaust gas was measured by thermocouples and the heat transfer coefficient between the gas (air) and the sand particles was calculated from the values obtained. The results are as follows. 1) Suitable vibration of the fluidized bed to an adequate amount increases the heat transfer between the sand and the cooling air. 2) The vibration effect is large when the Reynold's number (Rep) for the particle is small. 3) There is an optimum frequency and amplitude to increase the heat transfer. In this experiment vibration of 10Hz and 2∼3mm amplitude applied to the fluidized bed of the sand with 0.6mm mean diameter grains increased the heat transfer by 4∼5 times that of fliudized bed without vibration at Rep=20. 4) The heat transfer coefficient of the fluidized bed without vibration was similar to the Frantz's equation (Nu=0.016Rep1.3Pr0.67) or Sugiyama's equation (Nu=0.008Rep1.53). 5) The fluidization without vibration of the wet sand was very difficult. 6) Vibration fluidized the wet sand and the sand was very rapidly cooled compared with the dry sand.
- Japan Foundry Engineering Societyの論文
Japan Foundry Engineering Society | 論文
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