重症虚血肢に対する"Total Vascular Care"の概念:積極的なIVRおよび包括的チーム医療の重要性
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In the management of critical limb ischemia (CLI)-limb salvage, it is very important to understand the paradigm shift of "total vascular care" and new therapeutic strategies in collaboration with multidisciplinary specialists, including vascular surgeons, cardiologists, plastic surgeons, and nurses. The purpose of this paper is: 1. To review the recent therapeutic strategies of "total vascular care" for CLI, 2. To explain the conventional antegrade approach in below-the-knee (BTK) interventions for CLI, 3. To highlight utilization of the percutaneous retrograde tibial approach, which is particularly valuable in difficult cases where a conventional approach has failed. The major teaching points of this paper are: 1. The availability of multiple interventional devices and techniques can offer patients treatment options in diseased arterial territories that have traditionally not been amenable to treatment, particularly in tibial and pedal interventions. 2. Management of CLI requires a multidisciplinary approach rather than a turf battle to preserve radiologists' critical role in vascular interventions.
- 一般社団法人日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会の論文
一般社団法人日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会 | 論文
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