Low Friction Fouling Control Coatings: An International Paint Perspective
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Shipping is recognized as more energy efficient than many forms of transport, but increasing regulation of emissions and increasing fuel prices continue to drive the need for viable means of energy saving and reducing operational costs. One relatively easy way to do this is through the use of low friction fouling control coatings which improve the energy efficiency of ships by reducing hull roughness and frictional drag. The frictional resistance of fouling control technologies is not a new area of interest for International Paint or the marine industry. Over the years International Paint has expended considerable resources to understand the influence of coating frictional resistance on the performance and fuel efficiency of ships. Together with offering class leading products such as Intersleek® and Intersmooth®, International Paint in conjunction with BMT ARGOSS can now deliver clarity on the fuel saving benefits of fouling control coatings in an open and transparent way with the implementation of BMT SMARTSERVICES. This paper will highlight some of the advances made by International Paint and reflect on some of the current and future challenges to the marine coatings industry.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会 | 論文
- 計測講座「回転計について」(講義)
- 最近の舶用タ-ボ過給機の進歩と将来動向 (ボイラ-とタ-ボ機械特集号)
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- フィ-ルドデ-タによる舶用機関システムの信頼性,保全性の配分に関する考察
- 海洋開発と動力源技術 (海洋機器特集号)