Penetration and familiarity of false belief on neuroscience among students and its modifiability
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In Study 1, the degrees of penetration and familiarity of false belief on neuroscience, especially brain imaging, among students were surveyed using a questionnaire technique. A total number of 485 students from medical school, school of nurse sciences, school of psychology, and school of informatics were given 20 items and they were requested to evaluate authenticity of the items and familiarity was rated. The results suggested that as familiarity increased, the tendency for participants to regard the item was correct. In Study 2, the question whether false belief on neuroscience can be modified by a usual class lecture was examined. Degrees of the authenticity evaluation and the familiarity of false information between student groups who took the class of neuropsychology and who did not take the class were compared. Results showed a significant difference in many items between the two groups and suggested a possibility of modifiability even by a class lecture.
- 人間環境学研究会の論文
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