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The purpose of this paper is to consider whether healthcare teams (or medical teams) can address autonomous team-building. The work of healthcare organizations is being carried out by teams and groups, it is inevitable that healthcare workers, such as doctors, nurses and co-medical personnel, work in a team environment. A considerable number of studies have been conducted on healthcare teams in America, Britain, Japan, so on. It was found from these studies that doctors and nurses perceived their team-work and team-climate differently, and that there was a perception gap of team-work between them. Therefore, the focus of discussions has been on collaboration that leads to conflict resolution. In this study, we focused on the stages of development in team-building. It is likely that this approach will allow teams to run effectively by themselves, because the stages of team-building development are regarded as an informal process by which team members attempt to create effective social structures and work processes on their own. The analysis was conducted based on the results of the 3 team leader's individual interviews about their team management and the questionnaire of all members (3 teams, 28 people) about their perceptions of the existing team condition. As a result, 2 teams in 3 teams were functioning effectively from a team-building perspective. That is, it was showed that healthcare teams could address autonomous team-building. The findings of this study were as follows; (1) in the orientation stage, team members and team leaders need to understand team characteristics and team behaviors, (2) healthcare professionals need the task interaction that makes the most of their expertise in the team as well as interpersonal interaction, (3) team leaders can manage autonomous team-building.
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