Dialogical Athletic Experiences Promote Internalization of Athletic Experiencesin Athletes' Self-development
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It is not known how athletes internalize athletic experiences in their self-development. In this study, self-development was viewed as having two facets -internal and external- and internalization of external self-experiences was assumed to promote self-development. This study sought to explore the hypothesis that Dialogical Athletic Experiences (DAE) promote athletes' self-development together with the development of their internal self. DAE involve a dialogue with oneself in athletic experiences by turning attention to one's own body through dialogue with it. We developed a scale to measure athletes' DAE which includes four factors, and in study I examined the relationship between DAE and self-development among athletes. In study II, we examined through case studies and using the four previously identified factors the process which links DAE to internalization (self-development). The results revealed that DAE consisting of the four factors of "trusting attitude based on experiences", "subjective attitude to experiences and athletics", "awareness and insight", and "attitude that one will face oneself through experiences" promote self-development. These results will contribute to the progression of studies on psychological development and personality development in athletes.
- 日本スポーツ心理学会の論文
日本スポーツ心理学会 | 論文
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