Role of herbal medicine (Kampo formulations) on the prevention and treatment of diabetes and diabetic complications
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We have studied the effects of herbal medicine (Kampo formulations) on the prevention and the treatment of diabetes and diabetic complication. <BR>Effects of Kampo formulations on the treatment of diabetic neuropathy were investigated.The results obtained suggest that the combination of ten herbal medicines in Goshajinkigan(GJG) may have beneficial effects on metabolic and circulatory disturbances in nerves of diabetic patients. Therefore administration of GJG might be a useful approach for amelioration of the numbness and autonomic dysfunction associated with diabetic neuropathy.<BR>Effects of Kampo formulations on in vivo insulin resistance were studied.1.Animal experimental studies. The improvement of insulin resistance in STZ rats by the administration of GJG and Keishikajutsubuto(KJT) and cinnamon might be via NO pathway and due, at least in part, to correction in the abnormal early steps of insulin signaling pathway in skeletal muscle. 2.Clinical Studies.Effects of GJG on insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes were investigated. HOMA-R was significantly decreased after GJG treatment (p=0.019). On the other hand, HOMA-R in the control group did not show significant difference. HOMA-R returned to the pre GJG treatment level 1 month after GJG discontinuation (P=0.018). The high-dose clamp resulted in a significantly increased insulin action (MCR levels) after GJG treatment.<BR>These animal experimental and clinical studies suggest that GJG might be effective for improving insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes.<BR>In conclusion, Kampo formulations might be useful not only for the prevention and the treatment of diabetic complications but also effective for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.
- 和漢医薬学会の論文
和漢医薬学会 | 論文
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