スクミリンゴガイPomacea canaliculata(LAMARCK)の侵入が水田植物相に及ぼす影響評価 松山市内における除草剤散布水田の調査事例から:松山市内における除草剤散布水田の調査事例から
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A pesticides reduced farming method for irrigated rice cultivation, using the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (LAMARCK) as a biological weed control agent, has become popular in Japan and some Asian countries. There is no risk assessment of using this snail, although it is invasive for native ecosystems and biodiversity in rice paddy and wetlands of Asian countries. Examination of snail impact on species diversity of vascular plant flora in rice fields of Matsuyama City, was conducted, where snail populations is extending. In rice fields colonized already, mean number of species declined to 40% of ones not yet colonized and aquatic plants markedly decreased.
- 農村計画学会の論文
農村計画学会 | 論文
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- 総合討論および総括
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- 有田博之・福与徳文 著, 『集落空間の土地利用形成』, 日本経済評論社, 1998年, 本体4,000円
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