手術トレーニング バイパス術を中心とした顕微鏡手術トレーニング
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It is mandatory to develop microsurgery training methods for young neurosurgeons because the number of surgical cases has been decreasing due to the development of alternative therapy for neurovascular diseases such as radiosurgery, endovascular coil embolization, and stenting. Here we describe our training methods for microvascular anastomosis for young neurosurgeons as well as senior staff with minimum cost and maximum convenience. Our microsurgical training system consists of microanastomosis using an artificial tube and actual surgical microscope in the operating room. The depth and the size of the practical operative field can be changed using simple boxes made by each practitioner. In addition to the basic anastomosis technique, a trainee can anastomose artificial tubes in various surgical environments using an artificial skull and plastic brain with brain retractor. Training for turning the microneedle is also useful for practical microsurgery. Although there are several training systems for microsurgery, including experimental mammals such as rats and/or chicken wings, it is important for young neurosurgeons to practice micro-anastomosis in an environment similar to that of their institutions.
- 一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会の論文
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会 | 論文
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