Immunocytochemical Localization of Taurine in the Developing Retina of the Lofteye Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus.
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Light microscopic immunolocalization of taurine, a sulfur-containing free amino acid, was investigated in the developing retina of a lefteye flounder, <I>Paralichthys olivaceus</I>, which exhibits metamorphic changes with rod cell addition for 3-5 weeks after hatching. This immunocytochemical study of the developing retina revealed: 1) From 3 to 13 days after hatching, intense immunostaining was shifted from the surroundings of neural cells to the neural somata and processes in the inner retina. 2) Intense immunoreactivity appeared also in the outer and inner segments and basal processes (pedicles) of cone cells within 6 days or 13 days after hatching. 3) Lack of immunoreactivity was found in the outer segment of rod cells from their appearance during metamorphosis. These findings are discussed with the possible functional roles of taurine in the fish retina: 1) involvement in cell differentiation and/or development; 2) protection of the outer segments against light stimuli; and 3) regulation of neural transmission.
- 国際組織細胞学会の論文
国際組織細胞学会 | 論文
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