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We examined phototactic responses of dipteran insects, including Neoempheria ferruginea (Brunetti), Sciaridae, and Drosophila, using ultraviolet (365 nm), green (525 nm), and white wavelengths of a LED (light emitting diode) using a water-pan trap. The number of N. ferruginea captured (trap catches) were highest in the trap with ultraviolet LED. Then, we examined the effects of ultraviolet LED and surfactant (1% Tween 80) in the water-pan trap on the trap catches using generalized linear mixed model. Both ultraviolet LED and surfactant were shown to affect positively on the trap catches. Nevertheless, the LED variable had the highest effect on N. ferruginea trap catches. On the other hand, trap catches of Sciaridae and Drosophila were affected most by the surfactant.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
日本応用動物昆虫学会 | 論文
- I104 チャバネゴキブリにおける二つのアセチルコリンエステラーゼの組織局在
- B307 カイコ由来抗菌性タンパク質ディフェンシン遺伝子の発現解析
- B105 カブトムシディフェンシン由来改変ペプチドの癌細胞増殖抑制効果
- H303 ハスモンヨトウの抗菌ペプチドの探索と殺菌剤への応用(生理活性物質)
- F313 タイワンカブトムシデフェンシンの単離とクローニング(生理活性物質、形態学・組織学・遺伝学)