Characteristics of Meridians and Points (1st Report):Changes in Pulse Waves, Number of Heartbeats and Static Potential which Occur during Electrical Acupuncture Stimulation
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Recently through electrical acupuncture stimulation methods at specific points on the body, with fewer points than ever before and more certainty, research has been conducted revealing the possibility of raising and maintaining a raised pain threshold of a specific area. Using the electrical acupuncture stimulation methods I have begun experiments to collect objective data concerning the properties of the meridians and points. I would like at this time to present my first report in this area.The method of experimentation was as follows. Two points on the stomach meridian (Left ST-36 and ST-44) were selected. After ascertaining that the special acupuncture sensation, TOKKI, had occured electrical stimulation was administered. Observing these conditions, progressive changes in pulse waves, electrocardiograph and heartbeat before, during and after electrical stimulation as well as alterations in static potential in the abdominal area (especially around the circumference of the naval) and on the tips of the fingers were observed using a polygraph during 25 minutes of stimulation and for 20 minutes following stimulation.Results revealed that electrical acupuncture stimulation administered after the confirmation of the occurrence of TOKKI effected upon comparison with conditions before stimulation are striction of pulse wave and increase in the number of heartbeats as well as significant changes in the static potential of the Stomach, Large Intestine, Lung, Spleen-Pancreas and Liver Meridians on the stimulated side of the body. Reports concerning individual elements will be presented.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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