Research Concerning the Effects of Electrical Acupuncture Therapy on Post SMON Disease Symptoms
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Presently in Japan there are approximately 10, 000 patients suffering from the aftereffects of SMON (Subacute Myelo-Optico-Neuropathy), a disease which has occured in large proportions in recent years as a result of chinoform poisoning.Main symptoms include bilateral paresis, paresthesia of the lower extremities and gastric symptoms. In some cases optical disturbances were also observed Electrical acupuncture therapy was administered to 29 of these patients. Low frequency electrical acupuncture stimulation was administered at 4-5V, 1/mm sec., 5Hz. using stainless steel needles, 4cm, long, 0.3mm, in diameter (No. 10 Chinese needles) as electrodes. The induction period was 25-30 minutes. Stimulation points were selected at areas of severe numbness, pain, tension or tenderness along the nerve lines. Acupoints commonly used in Oriental medicine were also used. These included BL-25 on the lower back and BL-37, BL-40, BL-60, ST-32, ST-36 and LV3 on both legs. Treatment was administered twice weekly. Results showed that in 2/3 of the cases the level of spontaneous paresthesia which had prior to treatment been in the area of the navel dropped to the lower extremities. Local induction tendencies were also observed depending on the degree of numbness. No remarkable adjustments were observed in superficial sensation or profound reflexes on the lower half of the body. Favorable results were observed in regard to gait disturbance caused by bilateral paresis. Regarding gastric symptoms (diarrhea, constipation), results showed that bowel movement of pre-treatment diarrhea patients became normal and that constipation patients were able to move their bowels within 24 hours of treatment. Regulation of the digestive system, especially intestinal functions was oberved. Experiments on a dog using the Thriy-Vella Intestinal Fistula Balloon methods revealed normal movement along the intestine canals. Tests immediately before and after acupuncture therapy using an infra-red thermograph that in 2 out of 5 cases the skin temperature of both legs increased following therapy, however, the long-range effects were poor. Further testing and study in this area is necessary, we believe.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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