Acupuncture Treatment for Headache
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In my treatment of patients suffering from headache due to the common cold I discovered that in 8 out of 10 cases a single needle inserted at TH20 and left stationary for a period of from 15 to 30 minutes completely alleviated headache pain. Moreover, by adding BL10 and GB20 as treatment points in the remaining two cases it was possible to also relieve these headaches.Since that time I have used TH20 as a general treatment point in my treatment of chronic headache. This point used alone is of course, not effective in all chronic cases, however, classifying headaches, regardless of cause (Headaches considered in these classifications are of course limited to those not due to serious causes.) according to the area of pain I was able to assign treatment points for various types of pain. FrontalHeadache: TH20, EP TaiyangVertex Pain: TH20, GV20Occipital Pain: TH20, KAMITENCHU(Upper BL10)Temporal Pain: TH20, GB6General Pain: TH20, GV20, GB20, BL 10Stationary insertion was used at these points preponderantly. Results showed that such treatment provided, immediately after treatment, relief of headache pain in 54 out of 57 cases, Repeated treatments resulted in complete cure of chronic headache in 32 cases, and slight alleviation of symptoms in 18 cases. Treatment proved ineffective in 7 cases.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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