Stuttering and Acupuncture
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In 37 examples instability, fear or feeling of impatience were eliminated and the inharmony of thought and speech was improved. The particular symptoms of a stammerer is the spasm in the various organs which is necessary for forming words and if the will to say something is stopped then it immediately vanishes. Therefore it is thought that it is due to a spiritual rather than a physical relationship. Moreover, the symptoms of stammering becoming gradually chronic would cause an over tension of the mind and body and also bring about an abnormal change in the spinal column and even though the abnormality of the spinal column are frequently experienced in other patients, in the case of stammerers, a great number. of examples were proved. The point which caught our particular attention in the curved area of the spinal column was that the parts between C6 and T6 and the surrounding abnormal parts of the muscles were applied as the most important points for treatmet.The acupuncture of Kyoseki point had an influence upon the tenderness of back, chest and abdo men which commonly appeared to stammerers and an exchange of mutual action could be seen. It is almost the same result as the experience when independent moxibustion was performed on the 4 points of the back area and clarified the usefulness of the selection of a proper spot for treatment.To sum up the treatment results of adults and children, it could be seen that the curves of the spinal column were corrected and that the abnormalities of the muscles together with the recovery of the symptoms of stammering progressed for the better. There were cases of a clear effect seen during process in the infant and young age group and with the imbeciles we have had experience of a favourable change in articulation after one treatment.The bigger the curve of the spinal column the stronger the tendency for stammering symptoms and the muscle abnormalities of neck, and spinous process, the shoulder and back parts were touched objectly and that the abnormality between C6 and T1 had been more delayed and was able to see a recovery and such observations are the same as before.Concerning the above results, it is said that there is no other corrective method for people with a stammer than exercises which emphasise breathing, articulation and speech but it was seen that effective action could be taken from the above treatments.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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