Effect of Methionine Treatment on Damping-Off of Sugar Beet Caused by <I>Aphanomyces cochlioides</I>
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The effects of methionine treatment on damping-off caused by <I>Aphanomyces cochlioides</I> in greenhouses, and the growth of hyphae and germ tubes in culture were studied. Application of 420-600 ppm methionine to seedlings 7 days after sowing resulted in significant reduction of infestation of sugar beet plants by <I>A. cochlioides</I> in an artificially inoculated soil test. In zoospore inoculation tests, application of 200-600ppm methionine one day before inoculation reduced the severity of damping-off. The colony diameter of <I>A. cochlioides</I> on PDA treated with 420 ppm methionine was reduced to 97.9% of that on PDA without methionine. The length of the germ tube from the zoospore in 400 ppm methionine solution for 24 hours was 24% of that treated with distilled water. These results suggest that suppression of damping-off by methionine is partly caused by suppression of the growth of germ tubes and hyphae during <I>A. cochliides</I> infection.
- 北日本病害虫研究会の論文
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