Some Notes on the Urolithiasis in Cambodia
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The following knowledge of urolithiasis in Cambodia was obtained by the author, having worked for eight months and half-from August 1964 until April 1965-as a surgeon, one of Japanese specialists at a rural medical center, situated in the north-western part of that country.1. Among 87 urological patients, during the above period in its surgical clinic, 58 patients (57 per cent) were diagnosed as urolithiasis, 49 of which were patients of vesical stones. Twenty nine of these 58 urolithiasis were young patients, younger than 20 years old, and 17 patients among them were under 10 years old. That center had three clinics, those were of internal medicine, surgery and gyneco-tocology. The number of patients of these three clinics during that period was 7, 564 in all. Eigthy six patients among them (1.1 per ceni) were those of urolithiasis.2. The Hospital of Friendship between Cambodia and Soviet is one of the greatest general hospitals in Phnom-Penh, capital of Cambodia. For the comparison of our data, statistic figures of this hospital during nearly the same year were quoted here. The patients of this hospital for one year of 1964 numbered 32, 270, and 83 among them (0.3 per cent) were those of urolithiasis. Therefore, it would be supposed that many infantile patients of vesical stones exist in Cambodian rural regions.3. Formerly in West-Europe or in Japan, most cases of urolithiasis were those of infants with vesical stones, yet in recent years the ratio of the patients of vesical stone to the total number of persons of whole urolithiasis, as well as the ratio of the infantile patients of vesical stone to the total number of persons of this disease were reduced remarkably.4. In the present world, several districts are still found, where numerous infants having vesical stone exist. They are called "stone areas". Hereupon Cambodia should be also considered one of them.5. For the measures to be adapted henceforth, by which the number of infantile patients of vesical stone could be reduced in this country, first of all, it may be necessary to place the rural inhabitants under the better nutritious conditions, pursuing the good examples of West-Europe and Japan.6. Nineteen patients among the above-mentioned 49 cases of vesical stone were operated. These were all single-stone cases, hence 19 stones were removed. Several physical characters of these stones were described. Beside that, the components of 19 vesical stones, except for one case, were qualitatively analysed by infrared spectrometry.a) Chemical components at the central portion of stones: five components were proved in all; those were calcium oxalate (7 cases), magnesium ammonium phosphate (2 cases), ammonium orate acid (11 cases), xanthine (4 cases) and 1-cystine (1 case).b) Chemical components at the cortical portion of stones: seven components were proved in all, being added two new components to the above mentioned five; those were, calcium oxalate (7 cases), trimagnesium ammonium phosphate (6 cases), calcium phosphate (4 cases), trimagnesium phosphate (2 cases), ammonium urate acid (8 cases), xanthine (2 cases), and 1-cystine (1 case).7. These data obtained from the chemical examination were compared with the data about the Japanese, which were reported formerly by Tokuji Ichikawa.
- 一般社団法人 国立医療学会の論文
一般社団法人 国立医療学会 | 論文
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