Virtual Pancreatoscopy of Pancreatic Cancer
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Virtual endoscopy is a new method of diagnosis using computer processing of 3-D image data sets. However clinicalapplication of virtual pancreatoscopy for pancreatic cancer has not been reported. In this study, the usefulness of virtualpancreatoscopy for pancreatic cancer was investigated. Twenty cases of pancreatic cancer were studied. Seven patientsunderwent pancreatectomy at National Cancer Center Hospital East from June to November in 1999. The MRI data wereacquired with a 1.5-T clinical imager. A multislab single shot fast spin echo sequence was used. Section thickness wasbetween 2 and 3 mm in the coronal plane. Virtual endoscopic images were generated with Advantage Windows system (G. E. U. S. A.). Clear virtual endoscopic images were obtained in 15 of 20 patients with panceratic cancer. It was possibleto visualize partial or complete obstruction of the panceatic duct. And we could get endoscopic views from the side ofpancreatic tail. Virtual pancreatoscopy is noninvasive and easy to generate. Viutual pancreatoscopy can provide theinformation that we cannot obtain by the real pancreatoscopy. It will be very useful to diagnose pancreatic cancer.
- 日本コンピュータ外科学会の論文
日本コンピュータ外科学会 | 論文
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