Nest use pattern of the Japanese wild boar Sus scrofa leucomystax in Edino height.
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Nest use pattern of the Japanese wild boar <I>Sus scrofa leucomystax</I> was studied in the Ebino Height, southern Kyushu, Japan, from November 1979 through February 1983. Nest data were collected by field sign surveys, which were con ducted along the fixed routes of 33.4 km in length in the study area (475 ha) . During the study period, 153 nests were divided into two types; one was a bower, a mound-like nest in which the wild boar sheltered, and the other was a bed, a nest without a roof. The wild boars built bowers more frequently than beds in all sea sons, probably due to cold temperature and much rainfall in the Ebino Height. The roof of the bower provides wild boars both thermal insulator and shelter from the wind and rain. Thickets of <I>Miscanthus sinensis</I> distributed widely as the under growth in the study area and provided suitable bower materials. Nest size de pended on the number of individuals resting in a nest and changed seasonally, prob ably due to seasonal changes of their social grouping pattern.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
日本哺乳類学会 | 論文
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