A Questionnaire Study on the Assessment by Nurses of Postoperative Pain
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Background and Objectives: In the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Osaka City University Hospital, five kinds of pain scales have been used to evaluate postoperative pain intensity, including the visual analog scale, face scale, patient's complaints, muscle rigidity or pain on effort, and respiratory pattern. The aim of this study was to examine problems associated with these methods of assessment using a questionnaire for nurses.Methods: We asked 40 nurses in the ICU to fill out a questionnaire concerning postoperative pain.Results: Thirty-four nurses replied to the questionnaire. Fifty-eight percent of these nurses answered that they kept patients free from postoperative pain with aggressive analgesic regimens, while 34% answered that they let patients endure pain if analgesia was insufficient. Seventy percent of the nurses answering the questionnaire were satisfied with the methods of analgesia currently used in the ICU. Although 94% answered that pain assessment was useful in the nursing care of postoperative patients, 38% felt that available methods are inadequate for evaluation of pain. Most nurses were satisfied with the results of assessment of pain based on patients' complaints, muscle rigidity or pain on effort, and respiratory pattern. However, 38% of nurses felt that evaluation based on facial expression was insufficient. A combination of pain scales is used by 83% of the nurses to determine whether administration of additional analgesia is necessary.Conclusion: Most nurses in the Osaka City University Hospital ICU are satisfied with the methods of analgesia being used there, and recognize the requirement for sufficient analgesia for critically ill patients and the importance of pain assessment in nursing care. It is difficult for nurses to evaluate the intensity of patients' pain precisely, especially from facial expression. Thus, pain should be evaluated using a combination of pain scales and by comparison with a patient's previous pain intensity.
- 一般社団法人 日本ペインクリニック学会の論文
一般社団法人 日本ペインクリニック学会 | 論文
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