Aging, Total Body Water and Fat Massin Japanese Males between Ages 9 and 77 Years
- 論文の詳細を見る
Bioiogic aging is a process involving changes that influence the total functioning capacity.Most studies indicate that aging is associated with a number of adverse changes in body composition(Novak, 1972:Womersley and Dumin, 1977:Steen et al., 1979).Lean tissue is lost but body weight is sustained by an accumulation of fat (Forbes and Reina, 1970:Young, 1965).These changes affect the chemical morphology of cells and tissues, and concomitant changes occur in physical properties and in the production of metabolic energy.The purposes of this report were to determine total body water by deuterium oxide and to calculate fat mass.
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
日本生理人類学会 | 論文
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