Crohn's Disease with a Left Psoas Muscle Abscess and an Abdominal Wall Abscess : a Case Report
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A male aged 37 complained of a lower abdominal lump with pain. He had been diagnosed with Crohn's disease at our hospital in September 1995. He was referred to our department because the lump had ruptured releasing pus. The abscess formation persisted despite percutanous drainage. The inflamed descending colon was resected. A fistula had formed between an abdominal wall abscess and a left psoas muscle abscess. These fistulas were then enlarged to facilitate drainage. The patient was discharged on the 54th postoperative day. Eleven months later, he was admitted again due to slight pain around the previous drainage scar. As computed tomography findings revealed recurrent abscesses, percutaneous ultrasound-guided drainage was performed. His symptoms disappeared, and he was discharged on the 21st day of admission. Taking individual nutrition status and the cause of abscesses into account, an appropriate surgical plan for Crohn's disease patients with primary and/or recurrent left psoas muscle abscess may include percutaneous ultrasound or computed tomography-guided drainage.
- 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
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