<I>Effect of Tablets Composed Primarily of Royal Jelly and Theanine on Sensation of Fatigue Symptoms in Menopausal Women</I>
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Background & aim: Many middle-aged and older women are seriously afflicted by general malaise, or menopausal fatigue, leading to a variety of quality of life issues. The aim of this trial was to test the nutritional effects of tablets containing primarily royal jelly and theanine on the sensation of fatigue and other menopausal symptoms.<BR>Methods: Sixty menopausal women, ranging from 40 to 60 years of age, were randomly divided into two groups. The subjects in the RTG12 group were given tablets (RTG12) containing royal jelly and theanine or placebo tablets on a daily basis for 4 weeks. During the test period, they took three tablets twice a day after breakfast and dinner.<BR>Results: Vasomotor symptoms, as described by Kupperman, were significantly improved at two weeks (p<0.01) and four weeks (p<0.01) in the RTG12 group.<BR>In addition, the sensation of fatigue (the sum total score of four items: malaise ; weakness fatigue ; stiff shoulders, arthralgia, myalgia ; and headache) was significantly improved at two weeks (p<0.05) and four weeks (p<0.05) in the eleven subjects of the group who had been suffering from general fatigue and depression.<BR>Conclusion: These results suggest that RTG12 tablets composed primarily of royal jelly and theanine alleviated the sensation of fatigue symptoms and vasomotor symptoms among the subjects with menopausal syndrome. Thus it has been demonstrated that RTG12 tablets improve the QOL of menopausal women.
- 日本未病システム学会の論文
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