The observations of HIBIKI-paradigms.
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We have been observed that the HIBIKI-Paradigms which were induced by the acupuncture stimulations as following methods: central part of arm was divided 24 points as center was GEKIMON (#1), each points has distance 1cm. After a single stimulations, all of symptoms, which was reported by test-subjects, sites, direction, distances from stimulus points of HIBIKI, were recorded and analysed statistically.Results showed that the occurences of HIBIKI were demonstrated no laterality, and propagated not only unidirectionally, also conducted both directions: i. e. efferently and/or afferently, which conducted distances tend to be equality, excepting a some of specific sites.In conclusion, these results suggested that HIBIKI-Paradigms demonstrated no substantiated to be the so-called the HIBIKI, TOKKI or SHINKYO.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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