Effects of acupuncture-moxibustion on the function of autonomic system. 4.
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Ten healthy adults lying in the supine position underwent 'painless sohri-kifu technique', 'Oshide only', 'acupuncture only' and 'painfull sohri-kifu technique' on the left 'Tai-en' point for one minute. Instantaneous heart rate was measured with a polygraph. Statistical analysis showed that 'sohri-kifu technique' and it's constituent—'Oshide only', and 'acupuncture only' caused significant the decrease of heart rate. The painless sori-kifu technique was more effective than 'Oshide only' and 'acupuncture only' in decreasing the heart rate. The 'painful sori-kifu technique' caused no significant change of heart rate. Sticking pain seems to effective in suppressing the decrease of heart rate.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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