A consideration on variation in blood circulation by acupuncture stimulation. Using the variation in deep body temperature as well as blood pressure as the indicators.
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I'll report that I perceived the change to deep body temperature, blood pressure, volume pulse wave, cinnamic acid parcial pulse and pulse rate as a result of having effect to the blood stream of the whole body by acupuncture stimulation.By acupuncture stimulation deep body temperature, although there is unsettled descending tendency in soles and ascending one in palms, both the difference between the right and left tended to decrease.Both the highest blood pressure and the lowest blood one indicated ascending tendency.When volume pulse wave reached at 74% of all cases of illness, claudication ratio became smaller.Cinnamic acid partial pressure increased alike on an average 7.5mmHg.The pulse rate decreased at 95% of all cases of illness.While deep body temperature, blood pressure, volume pulse and pulse rate are changing towards minus, only the ascending tendency of cinnamic acid partial pressure indicates that it will have effect of getting a living body back a harmonious condition.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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