Effects of transcutaneous electric acupuncture-like stimulation in conservative dental treatment.
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Acupuncture analgesia were successfuly used in dental extraction in some patients who were sensitive to local anesthetics. In this study this technique was applied to daily conservative dental treatment. Acupuncture analgesia can be established by transcutaneous electric acupuncture-like stimuration (TENS) in stead of inserting needles. The TENS were applied in Hoku point and Large Intestine # 10 with 3Hz at the ipsilateral side of the dental treatment.Apparatus used were Tokki and Neuro-pulse acupuncture stimulator. Wave forms of both apparatus are spike wave with pulse width of 0.1msec. Plate electrodes were conductive rubber size of 3×4cm and were fixed at Hoku point and Large Intestine # 10 with adhesive tape.Stimuration was continued from 20 to 30min with the strength of producing mild twitch while patients were sitting in the waiting room. 230 patients of dental conservative treatment were given TENS before cavity preparation, gingival plastic, tooth extraction, pulpectomy and others. Treatment was started under TENS alone, and when patient bigan to complain the intolerable pain, then the subperiosteal infiltration of local anesthetic was performed.(1) Cavity preparation: 78 (85%) out of 92 were performed only with TENS. In 14 (15%) patients local infiltration were added.(2) Gingival plastic: 29 Patients were given only TENS. Effect of TENS were excellent for the incision of gingiva, and there were no patients who added local infiltration.(3) Pulpectomy: 60 Patients had pulpectomy. Only 12 (33%) out of 36 of alive pulp were done under TENS alone. As post arsenic treatment, however, in 23 patients out of 24, removal of already dead pulp was performed under TENS with good result.(4) Dental extraction: In only 5 patients (23%) out of 22 of molar teeth extraction, extraction was performed under TENS. Non molar teeth extraction had poor results, too.(5) Scaling caliculi: Scaling of the dental caliculi were done under TENS with excellent results. In conclusion, TENS is a simple and easy maneuver for every dentist to alleviate pains in the conservative dental treatments.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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