Access to AE Report in MEDWatch Web Needs Computer Expert and Big Computer
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Background : As the consequence of the decision at the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) progress, drug safety information reporting system in Japan is being revised. This has led to inevitable increases in the number of safety reports submitted to the industries and in turn, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW). In 1997, the MHW announced they would publicize this acquired information starting in 1999. In the USA, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released safety related information to the public, acquired over the years since 1969, though such means in the Web page of MEDWatch using the internet.<BR>Purpose : (1) To review accessibility of individual adverse experience (AE) reports in MEDWatch through internet, (2) to give advise to other possible Japanese users on the use of it and, (3) to give recommendation to the new system being developed in Japan by the MHW and/or other regulatory agency. <BR>Method : Case study started by using personal computer.<BR>Results : (1) The information cannot be accessible only using personal computers. Computer expert assistance and big computer are needed to access the information. (2) Information from more than a million AE cases is accessible. (3) Searches for information can be organized by pharmaceutical name, event term, patient demographics, and others. (4) The detailed information such as the course of the individual case from which drug causality could be assessed is not accessible. (5) The improvement of system should be needed for easy access such as "quick search". (6) More "user friendly" system is desired to be developed by the MHW and/or other regulatory agency in Japan which enable easy and full access of the information.
- 一般社団法人 日本薬剤疫学会の論文
一般社団法人 日本薬剤疫学会 | 論文
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