Occurrence of Dragonflies in Direct-seeded and Transplanted Rice Fields
- 論文の詳細を見る
Occurrence of odonate larvae was compared between direct-seeded and transplanted rice fields in Bibai, Hokkaido Pref. to examine the hypothesis that direct-seeding rice cultivation leads an abundant <I>Sympetrum</I> population. Only two species, <I>Sympetrum infuscatum</I> and <I>S. frequens</I>, were observed and the former species was dominant (64.5 %). Although larval density and adult emergence were higher in direct-seeded field, the difference was not likely to be essential. In adition to that, the density of arthropods inhabiting in the aerial part of rice (=supposed to be prey of adult dragonflies) was not different between the two fields. Therefore, it was not confirmed the hypothesis in this survey.
- 北日本病害虫研究会の論文
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