On the larva of <I>Clavipalpula aurariae</I> Oberthür (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae) infesting apple trees
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In the present paper are given description of the larval morphology of <I>Clavipalpula aurariae</I> Oberthür and some notes on its life cycle.<BR>In the principal larval characters and the life cycle, this species is similar to somespecies of the genus <I>Orthosia</I>, of which the larvae are described in the previous paper (Ujiye, 1972), but distinct from the latters by the following aspects of the morphology of the last instar larvae:<BR>1. Basal segment of labial palpus slender, nearly 4 times as long as its width (in some species of the genus <I>Orthosia</I> basal segment of labial palpus 1.5 to 2 times as long as its width).<BR>2. The position of head setae A1, A2 and A3 forming an obtuse angle at A2 (in some species of the genus <I>Orthosia</I> the position of head setae A1, A2 and A 3 forming a right angle at A2).
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