A study on the design guide of the detached houses with home-elevator for aged and physically handicapped persons.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to extract the design guide of the detached houses with home -elevator for aged and physically handicapped persons, So, for 4 cases we invesigated the composition of living spaces, Iiving activities and dweller's evaluation. The main resuts are follows : (1) The aged and physically handicapped persons' room generally must be located at the Ist floor, but settlng up the home-elevator house planning tums into more free. (2) Setting up the home-elevator, we can locat:e the aged and physically handicapped persons' room at the highest floor. In the case of town houses having few site areas, the highest floor has often good condition of the exposure to the sun and the view, so the aged and physically handicapped persons prefer the highest floor room.
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
日本生理人類学会 | 論文
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