A Biometric and Pathomorphological Study of the Invasive Front of Colorectal Carcinoma
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To identify predictive factors of the recurrence of colorectal cancer, histopathological, biometric, and immunohistological examinations were conducted with colorectal cancer specimens at stage II or lower. The subjects were 42 male and 34 female patients (mean age 68.3 years) with colorectal cancer (stage II), who had undergone surgical removal of a tumor in the lower alimentary tract. The tumors were classified as colon carcinomas in 61 cases and rectal carcinomas in 15 cases. The clinical course of each case was followed for at least 3 years after surgery. Cases classified as recurrent (n=13, 17 % ) had obvious recurrence, such as metastatic tumors in internal organs. All other cases were classified as nonrecurrent. Tumors from all subjects were surgically extracted, and the invasive front of tumor tissue was observed macroscopically and excised for histopathological examination. After the specimens were fixed with formalin and embedded in paraffin, thin sections were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for microscopy. In addition, nuclear morphometry was performed using a digital images and imaging software. Mean values were obtained for the number of tumor cell nuclei per unit area, nuclear area, diagonal width of the nuclei, length of the major axis, and roundness of the nuclei (atypia) . For immunological nuclear investigations, the invasive fronts were observed using β-catenin and classified into 3 grades. The chi-square test and Welch's <I>t</I> test of the m × n table were used for statistical analysis. In the recurrent cases, the mean number of tumor nuclei per unit area was lower, while the mean nuclear area, diagonal width, and length of the major axis were all significantly higher than in nonrecurrent cases. However, there was no difference in nuclear roundness. β-catenin expression in the invasive front of colorectal cancer specimens was Grade 0 for 40 cases, Grade 1 for 26 cases, and Grade 2 for 10 cases, with 11 (85%) of 13 recurrent cases positive and only 25 (40%) of 63 nonrecurrent cases positive. On the basis of these findings, the recurrent cases tended have tumor cells with enlarged nuclei and thus a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio, while β-catenin-positive nuclei tended to be associated with recurrence. These characteristics are suggested predictors of recurrence of early stage colorectal cancer.
- 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
昭和大学・昭和医学会 | 論文
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