Sleep Polygraphic Study of Infantile Spasms;Rapid Eye Movements during REM Sleep
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The eight cases of infantile spasms and nine controled children with normal central nervous system were investigated. The horizontal rapid eye movements during REM sleep were examined by means of the all night polygraphic recording. The infantile spasms were classified into two groups of the cryptogenic group and the sympto-matic group. <BR>Results:<BR>1. In the cryptogenic group Rapid eye movements (REMs) was 6.12±0.14 times/min.REMs dentity was 20.89±1.63%. REMs burst was 0.39±0.12 times/min. The time interval between REMs (I) /min.was following as;the frequency of I, which was shorter than 1 second, was 1.63±0.28 times/ min., the frequency of I, which was between 1 and 2 seconds, was 1.09-0.04 times/min., and the frequency of I, which was more than 2 seconds, was 3.57±0.27 times/min.<BR>2.In the symptomatic group REMs was 3.00±0.49 times/min. REMs density was 11.41±1.21%. REMs burst was 0.08±0.03 times/min. I/min. was following as; I<1sec. 2.84±0.91, 1sec.≤I<2sec. 0.42±0.06, and I≥2 sec. 2.28±0.25. The quantitative values in the both groups were significantly lower than that of normal controlled cases (REMs/min.9.15±1.69, REMs density 26.67±4.01%, REMs burst/min.0.43±0.12, and I/min.: I<1 sec. 2.84±0.91, 1sec.≤I<2 sec. 1.66±0.33, and I≥2 sec. 4.27±0.53) except for REMs burst/min. Especially there were more significant differences in thesymptomatic group than in the cryptogenic group. <BR>Conclusion:<BR>Jeannerod et al. (1965) reported in his experi ments on living animals, that in pontine cat they observed nothing except for the simple REMs, and in cat broken superior colliculus and tegmentum of mid brain the REMs burst disappeared and in decorticated cat the frequ ency of REMs increased.Thus it was supposed that in infantile spasms the main damages were in pons and mid brain tegmentum and reticular formation (especially pons reticular formation), and that the lesion of symptomatic group was more severe than that of cryptogenic group. Moreover, our results coincided with patholo gical findings of infantile spasms that in infan tile spasms such lesions as dysmyelination, spongy state and gliosis were predominantly observed in the pons and midbbrain (Mori matsu et al., 1975). <BR>On the other hand, in relationship between REMs frequency and prognosis, in the cases with the low frequent REMs D. Q. was low, control of seizure was difficult and improve ment of EEG was poor.It was supposed that in infantile spasms the investigation of REMs frequency during REM sleep was useful for judge-ment of prognosis.
- 一般社団法人 日本小児神経学会の論文
一般社団法人 日本小児神経学会 | 論文
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