Effects of electrical and laser acupuncture to the stellate ganglion on autonomic nervous system.
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Previously we reported that acupuncture to the stellate ganglion stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system as well as the sympathetic nervous system. We measured effects of laser acupuncture to the stellate ganglion (SGL) or electrical acupuncture to the same (SGA) on R-R intervals, deep tissue temperature and blood presure by using 45 patients; 12 in SGL-group and 33 in SGA-group.Results are as follows; (1) Means of heart rate (HR) decreased with 2bpm in the SGL-group, 3bpm in the SGA-group. (2) Coefficient of variation (CV) of R-R intervals increased with 1% in the SGA-group only. (3) Deep tissue temperature of the ipsilateral anterior forearm of the stimulation did not increase significantly after SGA, while deep tissue temperature increased with 0.3-0.5°C after SGL. Deep tissue temperature of the contralateral anterior forearm showed no significant change in the both groups. (4) Systolic blood pressure increased with 2-4mmHg after SGA and 4-5mmHg after SGL, respectively.It is suggested that SGL increases deep tissue temperature by affecting autonomic nervous system, but not directly.
- 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会の論文
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
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