The Policy of Village Community Improvement and Development:in Planning Agricultural Villages on the Ningsho Plain in Zhejiang Sheng, China (III)
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This report intends to make clear the characteristics of improvement policy and the development course in planning.<BR>Main results of the survey are as follows: <BR>1. The authorities do not provide guidelines for the planning of villages but plan each village separately on a case by case basis, because the land is vast and there are different characteristics in each community in China.<BR>2. The planning is by the people and the improvement is carried out according to the economic capacity of the group to which they belong.<BR>3. The planning is divided into two stages, a basic, overall plan and a more detailed version which shows the definite contents of the plan.<BR>4. There has been a change from complete to more limited reconstruction; on the other hand, the improvement of the environment has come to be considered important.<BR>5. Because of the introduction of a productive duty system and the growth of industry in agricultural areas, there is an increased demand for the expansion of productive space, so often the improvement plan must be reviewed.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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