A Study on the Attractive Zone of a Rural Park in View of Usage Actions of Neighboring Residents: Applicability of the Stochastic Choice Type Gravity Model to Location Planning:Applicability of the Stochastic Choice Type Gravity Model to Location Planning
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Planning the optimal location for a rural park besides the irrigation canal is highly needed in view of effective use of the facilities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the frequent usage actions of residents attracted to a park by using the Censored Negative Binominal Distribution Model (NB model) and Weighted Multinomial Logit Model (ML model) based on the gravity theory. The empirical results of these models showed that i) the data including various users had heterogeneity especially among the frequent users, ii) the influence of distance between residential area and park was different according to the usage frequency of residents, and iii) attractive zone radius of the rural park was about four kilometers. Because of these features of rural parks, the ML model can predict a more suitable attracting range and evaluate the benefit of the park without over estimation. These models are useful for analysis of rural parks that include frequent and multipurpose usage by residents.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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