The Causative Factors about Contingent Valuation of Rural Park, and the Transferability of WTP Function. Mainly about Individual Attributes, Consolidation Conditions and Area Situations.:Mainiy about Individual Attributes, Consolidation Conditionsand Area
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Contingent Valuation Method is applied well to many studies about multifunctionality of agriculture. It is thought that CVM can be applied to benefit evaluation of social overhead capital, which has no market price. This paper aims at showing how the evaluation value of rural park is influenced by consolidation conditions and area situations quantitatively, and considering the transferability of WTP function, in order to use CVM for the planning of rural park project. The findings are as follows.<BR>First, from the analysis on the basis of 19 rural parks data, it became clear that consolidation conditions and area situations affected the evaluation value, in addition to personal attributes. For making highly evaluated plan by inhabitants, it is important to locate the park near the village, to raise usage frequency of inhabitants, and to arrange water front space in the park. On the other hand, the evaluation of rural park tend to deteriorate in city neighboring area and in hilly and mountainous area. Installing the swing and slider is also deteriorate the evaluation of rural park.<BR>Second, about the transferability of WTP function, it is possible partially to apply an estimate result from one project-site or more than two project-sites to another. Concerned in some variables and some project areas, it is difficult to recognize complete transferability of WTP function. However, the transferability of WTP function becomes high by the selection of appropriate function including area characteristics and consolidation conditions.<BR>Third, if we evaluate the value of rural park by WTP function that was estimated in other project site, we can get estimate precision of around ±60% errors in maximum. As for this difference, there is a little relation with the degree of the transferability in WTP function.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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