Influences on vegetation due to mowing, plowing, and surface soil paddling in abandoned paddy fields.
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Succession and the number of species were investigated in wet, abandoned paddies, undergoing various treatments (mowing once or twice a year, plowing, and surface soil padding) in the Tama Hills (western Tokyo). <I>Phragmites acstralis</I> was dominant before such management was performed in these paddies. In plowed plots, most of the <I>P. australis</I> disappeared. In padded plots, in addition to <I>P. australis, </I> other dominant species such as <I>Isachne globosa</I> and <I>Polygonum thunbergii</I> also disappeared, and erect stem paddy-weeds became dominant. In mowed plots, the density of <I>P. australis</I> gradually decreased with increasing mowing frequency, and prostrated or rhizome paddy-weeds increased. The number of species in the plots mowed once was sometimes higher than that in the plots mowed twice.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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